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Sonnaz Group

Beyond The Everyday

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Day Tracker App

Day Tracker

Day Tracker is an app whose sole purpose is to tell you what it is and what day of the year it is. This is a useful app for those who depend on what day of the year it is. This app also has a feature to tell you what any day of the year is going in the past and future. Another highly requested feature is the ability to get the difference between two dates. This feature is still in beta testing but should be out soon...

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Discount Calculator App

Discount Calculator

Discount Calculator is an app whose purpose is to help calculate the price of an item. It has options for tax, single discount, and multiple discounts. There is also a list of each state's sales tax to make it an easy and essential travel app. This app also comes with an updated user interface which is very customizable, including theme color, background color, and app icon color all controllable in the settings tab.

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Quicker Tipper

Quicker Tipper

Quicker Tipper is an app whose purpose is to help calculate a tip when it is necessary. It takes in options including the percentage of tip and number of people you are splitting with. We are working on adding more features such including different rounding options and custom percentages. Those will come in due time. Along with Discount Calculator, this app has a fully customizable user interface and app icons.

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